Monday, October 26, 2009

Sharon Louden

Sharon is a multimedia artist who uses a great variety of mediums. She doesn't define herself with one type of art but many types including sculpture and animation. I think that really great, because when I graduate, and start making a name for myself I don't want to be categorized by one type of art, I want to be known for many different disciplines... (maybe not animation)

I found it really interesting that she worked on commissioned pieces in peoples home, I really liked the fiber optics and glass piece she did in a dining room, and I also really likes the paintings she did with the glow in the dark paint. I should get some glow in the dark paint that would be fun, I wish I had some for my 2D project this week.

pictured above: Hedge, 2007 30x50

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Proud Moments at Tyler

The best project I have been a part of this year has finally found its way to the internet, This beautiful Andy Goldsworthy inspired sculpture was made by four of my classmates and myself. After I quit sports I sort of forgot how rewarding but frustrating teamwork is. This was a very fun project, it involved fifteen people cramming into a twelve seat Temple issued van and driving a half hour into the boonies of Fairmount Park to build site specific sculptures.
We broke into groups and started building. Unlike Gloldsworthy, we didn't have a single idea drawn out, so we winged it. We went through like twenty ideas and like 3 hours to get to a point where our idea was resolved, and we still ended up tweeking it with only minutes left in the assignment. I think it was really sucessful and it is honestly the first thing I have been proud to be a part of since I have been in Tyler.

(guarenteed that being knee deep in freezing water is why I am miserably sick)

Monday, October 12, 2009

different faces of a hungry father.
(share a common subject)
the subway, the poor bird in the tracks.
( all things I have seen and found.. at or in the subway)
casual dining.
(things people forget to appreciate,
because you see these things everyday)

what I do and see everyday.
(I spend at least an hour every weekday
loving and loathing public transportation)

my face on illustrator

Friday, October 9, 2009

Bradley Litwin

This week we learned the history of drafting software. From the first CAD software to photoshop and illustrator. I thought Bradley did a really nice job of showing us where all of the things we are so used to today came from. That was nice and all but i was more interested in his work, and I mean his art not his mechanical drawings. His machines are absolutely amazing, I wish I understood how they worked. My favorite of the ones on display was the one with the men riding what look like unicycles. I also really enjoyed his video with the collapsible guitar, and I decided to google him after the lecture and there is more videos of him singing and playing music.

He seemed like a really cool guy I wish tht it wasn't such a guided lecture, and that he would have just talked about what he wanted to talk about and not just technology. I feel like that would have made this lecture more enjoyable.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Warning Label

what increasing frustration leads to, something everyone has felt.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kate Cuffari

This Tuesday's lecture was my favorite one so far. Kate Cuffari, an artist in the conservation room at the PMA talked to us about things I have never thought about. Like how certain materials we use all the time don't last forever. I always thought that everything I have made would last forever, but nothing lasts forever. She talked about about what causes art to be obsolete, like willful destruction, performance destruction, and unintended deterioration of materials, and environment. Something else she brought up that I never thought of is digital storage, I honestly had the notion in my mind that CD's and memory cards would store my stuff forever, I can't imagine them going out of date... but then again, I didn't think that about my walkman either.

... oh and this week in 3D we made site specific sculptures in the woods, (very Andy Goldsworthy) and I was so proud of the piece my group and I made, hopefully I can get a picture up here. I was soaked passed my knees and absolutely freezing but I still had a good time.